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Custom Blocks

To setup custom blocks in geyser, you have to choose how you are going to register your blocks. The easiest is using a json file but you can also use a Geyser extension.

It should be noted that blocks and their associated components are not very stable. Mojang tends to make changes to these much more often than they do for items. This means that any components Geyser allows you to register are liable to break in future versions of Bedrock.

Enabling custom blocks

Before beginning, ensure that add-non-bedrock-items is set to true in your config.yml file.

# Whether to add any items and blocks which normally does not exist in Bedrock Edition.
# This should only need to be disabled if using a proxy that does not use the "transfer packet" style of server switching.
# If this is disabled, furnace minecart items will be mapped to hopper minecart items.
# Geyser's block, item, and skull mappings systems will also be disabled.
# This option requires a restart of Geyser in order to change its setting.
add-non-bedrock-items: true

JSON mappings

The JSON mappings use a similar structure to that of behavior packs registering blocks. The equivalent components are listed in the Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Creator Documentation.

Custom mappings files that register blocks or items should be placed in the custom_mappings folder. This folder is created when you start your server. It is located in the same folder as the Geyser-Standalone.jar file for standalone and inside your Geyser data folder for a plugin. If you do not have this folder, ensure you are on the latest version of Geyser.

Example mappings file

"format_version": 1,
"blocks": {
"minecraft:granite_wall": {
"name": "my_block",
"display_name": "Custom Granite Wall",
"geometry": "geometry.blocks.my_block_geo",
"material_instances": {
"*": {
"texture": "some_texture",
"render_method": "alpha_test",
"face_dimming": true,
"ambient_occlusion": true
"tags": ["stone", "wall"],
"state_overrides": {
"east=none,north=none,south=none,up=true,waterlogged=true,west=none": {
"geometry": "geometry.blocks.my_other_block_geo",
"destructible_by_mining": 10,
"place_air": false
"east=none,north=none,south=none,up=false,waterlogged=true,west=tall": {
"friction": 0.6,
"light_emission": 7,
"light_dampening": 8,
"transformation": {
"scale": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
"translation": [1, 0, 0],
"rotation": [0, 90, 0]
"east=none,north=none,south=low,up=true,waterlogged=true,west=tall": {
"placement_filter": {
"conditions": [{
"allowed_faces": ["up", "down"],
"block_filter": [{
"tags": "!query.any_tag('stone')"


The following details the schema for the mappings file. Only the name field is strictly required. All other fields are optional.

  • format_version:
    • Type: integer
      • Description: The version of the format of the mappings file.
  • blocks:
    • Type: object
      • Description: An object containing a list of block definitions.
        • minecraft:some_block:
          • Type: object
            • Description: A block definition to be used to override the specified java block.
              • name:
                • Type: string
                  • Default: none
                  • Description: The name of the custom block.
              • collision_box:
                • Type: object
                  • origin:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z origin values
                      • Range: Must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An origin value for a single axis
                  • size:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z size values
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An size value for a single axis
                  • Range: Addittion of origin and size must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive.
              • destructible_by_mining:
                • Type: integer
                  • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                  • Description: The time in seconds to mine the block with base tools.
              • display_name:
                • Type: string
                  • Default: the name of the custom block
                  • Description: The display name of the block.
              • extended_collision_box:
                • Type: object
                  • origin:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z origin values
                      • Range: Must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An origin value for a single axis
                  • size:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z size values
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An size value for a single axis
                  • Range: Addittion of origin and size must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive.
              • friction:
                • Type: float
                  • Range: 0.0 to 1.0
                  • Default: 0.4
                  • Description: The friction value for entities traversing the block.
              • geometry:
                • Type: string
                  • Default: none
                  • Description: The geometry identifier of the block.
                • Type: object
                  • Description: The geometry of the block with bone visbility filters
                    • identifier
                      • Type: string
                        • Default: none
                        • Description: The geometry identifier of the block.
                    • bone_visibility:
                      • Type: object
                        • Description: An object containing the bone visibility filters for the block.
                          • bone_name:
                            • Type: string
                              • Default: none
                              • Description: A molang string dictating whether the bone is visible.
                            • Type: boolean
                              • Default: none
                              • Description: Whether the bone is visible.
              • light_emission:
                • Type: integer
                  • Range: 0 to 15
                  • Default: 0
                  • Description: The amount of light emitted by the block.
              • light_dampening:
                • Type: integer
                  • Range: 0 to 15
                  • Default: 15
                  • Description: The amount of light dampened by the block as it passes through.
              • material_instances:
                • Type: object
                  • Description: An object containing the material instances for the block.
                    • key:
                      • Type: object
                        • Description: The default material instance for the block. Other globs or specific instances can be used.
                          • texture:
                            • Type: string
                              • Default: the name of the custom block
                              • Description: The texture resource path of the block.
                          • render_method:
                            • Type: string
                              • Default: alpha_test
                              • Description: The render method used for the block.
                          • face_dimming:
                            • Type: boolean
                              • Default: false
                              • Description: Whether face dimming is enabled for the block.
                          • ambient_occlusion:
                            • Type: boolean
                              • Default: false
                              • Description: Whether ambient occlusion is enabled for the block.
              • place_air:
                • Type: boolean
                  • Default: true
                  • Description: Whether the block should place air to prevent double placement.
              • placement_filter:
                • Type: object
                  • Description: An object containing the placement filter for the block.
                    • conditions:
                      • Type: array
                        • Description: An array of conditions that must be met for the block to be placed.
                          • allowed_faces:
                            • Type: array
                              • Description: An array of faces that the block can be placed on.
                                • items:
                                  • Type: string
                                    • Range: up, down, north, south, east, west
                                    • Description: A face that the block can be placed on.
                                • block_filter:
                                  • Type: array
                                    • Description: An array of blocks or true molang queries that the block can be placed on.
                                      • items:
                                        • Type: string
                                          • Description: A block that the block can be placed on.
                                            • Type object
                                              • Description: Holds a true molang query that the block can be placed on.
                                                • tags:
                                                  • Type: array
                                                    • Description: A true molang query that the block can be placed on.
              • selection_box:
                • Type: object
                  • origin:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z origin values
                      • Range: Must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An origin value for a single axis
                  • size:
                    • Type: array
                      • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                      • Description: An array of x, y, and z size values
                        • items:
                          • Type: float
                            • Default: Inferred from overridden block
                            • Description: An size value for a single axis
                  • Range: Addittion of origin and size must be in range [-8, 0, -8] to [8, 16, 8], inclusive.
              • tags:
                • Type: array
                  • Description: An array of tags associated with the block.
                    • items:
                      • Type: string
              • transformation:
                • Type: object
                  • Description: Translation, scale, and rotation values to apply to the block.
                    • scale
                      • Type: array
                        • Default: [1, 1, 1]
                        • Description: An array of x, y, and z scale values
                          • items:
                            • Type: float
                              • Default: 1
                              • Description: A scale value for a single axis
                    • translation:
                      • Type: array
                        • Default: [0, 0, 0]
                        • Description: An array of x, y, and z translation values
                          • items:
                            • Type: float
                              • Default: 0
                              • Description: A translation value for a single axis
                    • rotation
                      • Type: array
                        • Default: [0, 0, 0]
                        • Description: An array of x, y, and z rotation values in increments of 90 degrees (e.g. [90, -180, 0])
                          • items:
                            • Type: integer
                              • Range: 0, 90, 180, & 270
                              • Default: 0
                              • Description: A rotation value for a single axis
              • unit_cube:
                • Type: boolean
                  • Default: false
                  • Description: Whether a unit cube is to be used with tessellation.
              • creative_category:
                • Type: string
                  • Default: building_blocks
                  • Description: The creative category to place the block in.
                  • Range: See Creative Categories on the Bedrock Wiki.
              • creative_group:
                • Type: string
                  • Default: none
                  • Description: The creative group to place the block in.
                  • Range: See Creative Tabs on the Bedrock Wiki.
              • included_in_creative_inventory:
                • Type: boolean
                  • Default: true
                  • Description: Whether the block is included in the creative inventory.
              • only_override_states:
                • Type: boolean
                  • Default: false
                  • Description: Whether the block should only override the states specified in state_overrides.
              • state_overrides:
                • Type: object
                  • Description: An object containing state overrides for the block.
                    • property1=value1,property2=value2,...:
                      • Type: object
                        • Description: An override for a specific block state. Possible states are listed in Geyser's Block Mappings
                        • Accepts all of the same properties as a block definition except creative_category, creative_group, included_in_creative_inventory, only_override_states, and state_overrides.

Geyser extensions

In this example, we will create a custom block that overrides the vanilla redstone dot. This block will be placed on top of a block and will emit a visible redstone signal when powered.

First, create a class that implements Geyser's Extension class:

public class RedstoneDot implements Extension {

Next, create a method to register your blocks in the GeyserDefineCustomBlocksEvent:

public class RedstoneDot implements Extension {
public void onDefineCustomBlocks(GeyserDefineCustomBlocksEvent event) {

Build the CustomBlockComponents, CustomBlockData, and list of CustomBlockPermutation (if needed) for the block:

public class RedstoneDot implements Extension {
public void onDefineCustomBlocks(GeyserDefineCustomBlocksEvent event) {
BoxComponent selectionBox = new BoxComponent(-5, 0, -5, 10, 1f, 10);

CustomBlockComponents components = CustomBlockComponents.builder()
.geometry(new GeometryComponentBuilder()

CustomBlockData redstoneDot = CustomBlockData.builder()
.intProperty("POWER_PROPERTY", IntStream.range(0, 16).boxed().toList())

// ...

private List<CustomBlockPermutation> createRedstoneDotPermutations() {
List<CustomBlockPermutation> permutations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int power = 0; power < 16; power++) {
String texture = "amberichu.redstone_dot" + power;
MaterialInstance invisMaterialInstance = MaterialInstance.builder()
CustomBlockComponents components = CustomBlockComponents.builder()
.materialInstance("up", MaterialInstance.builder()
.materialInstance("down", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("north", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("south", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("east", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("west", invisMaterialInstance)
String condition = String.format("query.block_property('%s') == %d", POWER_PROPERTY, power);
permutations.add(new CustomBlockPermutation(components, condition));
return permutations;

Finally, register the custom block, block state overrides, and block item overrides:

public class RedstoneDot implements Extension {
public void onDefineCustomBlocks(GeyserDefineCustomBlocksEvent event) {
BoxComponent selectionBox = new BoxComponent(-5, 0, -5, 10, 1f, 10);

CustomBlockComponents components = CustomBlockComponents.builder()
.geometry(new GeometryComponentBuilder()

CustomBlockData redstoneDot = CustomBlockData.builder()
.intProperty("POWER_PROPERTY", IntStream.range(0, 16).boxed().toList())

event.registerItemOverride("minecraft:redstone_wire", redstoneDot);

for (int power = 0; power < 16; power++) {
String javaIdentifier = String.format("minecraft:redstone_wire[east=none,north=none,power=%d,south=none,west=none]", power);
event.registerOverride(javaIdentifier, redstoneDot.blockStateBuilder()
.intProperty("POWER_PROPERTY", power)

private List<CustomBlockPermutation> createRedstoneDotPermutations() {
List<CustomBlockPermutation> permutations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int power = 0; power < 16; power++) {
String texture = "amberichu.redstone_dot" + power;
MaterialInstance invisMaterialInstance = MaterialInstance.builder()
CustomBlockComponents components = CustomBlockComponents.builder()
.materialInstance("up", MaterialInstance.builder()
.materialInstance("down", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("north", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("south", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("east", invisMaterialInstance)
.materialInstance("west", invisMaterialInstance)
String condition = String.format("query.block_property('%s') == %d", POWER_PROPERTY, power);
permutations.add(new CustomBlockPermutation(components, condition));
return permutations;